Tag Archives: goals


Last week a friend of mine found a lost dog, a little Yorkie, running around in a street in our town, and she picked him up so he wouldn’t get hit. There was no owner information on his tag, so she called the animal shelter, but no one had reported him yet.  She then proceeded to go door-to-door in that neighborhood trying to find the owner and finally did. The Yorkie, Sam, belonged to two older ladies, sisters living together. They were ecstatic to have him back and invited my friend in for tea.

The younger-looking sister was tall and thin and began telling my friend all sorts of wonderful stories about Sam, going off on tangents about their family members, places they’d traveled, and other dogs they’d owned. The older-looking sister, who was shorter and appeared to have osteoporosis, would periodically roll her eyes and say with urgency, “Focus, Martha, focus!”

I laughed as my friend told the story, envisioning the exchange. It reminded me of all the times, especially in the past few months of homeschooling, when I had to redirect Nigel by telling him to focus on what we were doing. I often have to remind myself to focus with all the different projects and distractions I have going on. Focusing is how we achieve our goals in the face of daily life. It’s also how to keep things short and sweet when a stranger returns a lost pet. “Focus, Martha, focus!” I had to write that on a Post-it note and stick it on my monitor. It’s the best advice I’ve heard all week.