Tag Archives: cold weather

A Casual Observation

The Scene: Interior of a suburban family home. Errant pieces of Lego are scattered across the living room floor, along with various National Geographic magazines, empty bags of microwave popcorn, and small, jingly cat toys. A mother, reading a book, sits in the middle of the sectional couch. Her slippered feet are propped up on the coffee table. She is bundled up, wearing a jacket and knit hat, indicating that the home’s furnace is not working. Her teenage son, wearing a sweatshirt and knit Chullo hat, sits on the floor, focused on building his Lego creation. The younger son comes striding into the living room wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt.  The teenage son looks up and notices his brother.

Teenage son (deadpan voice):  Your seasonal clock is out of tick.