Surfers Healing

Writing about Nigel’s experience in the barrel reminded me of a great organization called Surfers Healing. Those I know who surf say that surfing is therapy, and at Surfers Healing, it’s therapy for autistic kids. This wonderful organization goes to both coasts to offer free surf camps for autistic kids, and the response is so positive. A recent testimonial on their site, posted by a parent, says “[Her son’s] comment on the ride home was that he wished the whole world was as comfortable as Surfers Healing events.” Since Nigel loves boogie-boarding and body surfing so much, next summer I’d love to have him participate in a Surfers Healing camp.

I think it’s the repetitive nature of the waves that makes the experience so soothing. That’s one of the things I love about going to the beach, hearing the waves breaking. But I also love being out in the water, feeling the rhythmic sensation of the tide. The ocean is dynamic, fullĀ of life and energy, and to tap into that is highly therapeutic. No wonder Nigel liked being in the barrel, the epitome of power and grace. No wonder so many hundreds (probably thousands, by now) of children have benefitted from Surfers Healing day camps. It’s therapy not just for the senses, but for the soul.